Hella Good Design

concept design & communication

About me

welcome to hella good design

Hello. My name is Hella Hekkelman. I am a creative professional in graphic design, concept design & brand strategy.

As a child, I grew up on a houseboat in Amsterdam. After a decade of studying and traveling, I’m happy to live and work in my hometown once more.

My background

Since 2017, I work as freelancer (Hella Good Design) on various projects. I currently combine this with a part time job as design coach/educator.

The word hella is a slang term used mostly in California to mean “very”.

I hold a master degree in Strategic Product Design and a bachelor degree in Industrial Design Engineering from TU Delft (Delft University of Technology). I followed the annotation Technology in Sustainable Development to gain deeper knowledge regarding CSR and sustainable product design.

The main disciplines of my master are:

  • corporate mission and brand identity
  • market analysis and consumer research
  • project leadership
  • product portfolio management
  • product launch

Previously I’ve worked as CSR assistant for the sustainable fashion brand Kuyichi, as community manager for the financial start-up onna-onna and as communication manager for Nationale DenkTank, a small foundation that conducts research into social challenges.

I do not believe in a linear career. With each job or assignment you develop new insights, knowledge and skills. Each travel broadens your own perspective.

‘A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step’ – Lao Tzu

i USE…

Graphic Design: 

  • Adobe InDesign, Illustrator & Photoshop, Premiere Pro
  • Co-Spaces
  • WordPress

Product Design:

  • 3D-printer
  • Laser cutter
  • Vinyl cutter
  • Sewing machine


In 2018, I started the not-for-profit organisation Refill Ambassadors. The goal of Refill Ambassadors is to stimulate the refill movement. Refuse, reduce, reuse, recycle & rot!

In my daily life you can find me running, crafting, practising yoga, hanging out with family & friends, travelling or reading. My favourite authors are Haruki Murakami, Jane Austen and Aldous Huxley.

“Attention, here and now boys” – this quote appears in the wonderful book Island, written by Aldous Huxley in 1962. His message is still relevant today. We get distracted by a million things. By our phones, sounds of the city and by our own thoughts. Read this book, be grateful, dare to fail and have fun.

‘Be here now’ – Ram Dass

GET IN touch

I am open for new (temporary) assignments, so take a look at my projects to get an idea of my previous work and clients.

Write to me in Dutch, English, German or Spanish

Hella Hekkelman


+31 6 40953435

KvK: 71968237

Connect on LinkedIn

‘Together is a wonderful place to be’

© 2024 Hella Good Design

Theme by Anders Norén